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POLICY -The Classified staff makes every effort to publish your ad correctly as ordered, and advertising submitted by telephone is read back to our advertisers. At that time the advertiser assumes responsibility for the content of the ad as it is read back. Advertisers are requested to check the appearance of ads for correctness on the first day of publication, either in the newspaper or online at Alpha sort is not guaranteed. The Frederick News-Post will be responsible for one day’s incorrect insertion only. The Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors nor for omission of copy. Liability for errors shall not exceed the cost of that portion of space occupied by such errors. The Publisher reserves the right to revise, reclassify or reject any advertisement for any reason, at any time, and to omit all copy when not submitted in time to conform with deadline. Dealer designation must appear in ads for customers selling more than 3 autos/year. All line ads running on Thursday will also appear in Frederick County Connector. If you have any questions or comments about our Classified section or policies, please call the Classified Manager at 301-662-1162. The Frederick News-Post appreciates your business and readership. Requests for ad adjustments must be made within 7 days. (See example for pricing option)


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